"The Shame Is: The Ever-Lost Immortal" is a story where The Grim Reaper and a person who has proclaimed himself as a superhero finds out they are mysteriously connected before being made to leave the Earth. After learning of their connection, the duo are made to travel through various realm and overcome several trials to make their way back to earth. This story covers topics including Superheroes and mythologies while pulling inspiration from various other medias.
From a life that once seemed mundane, Shameis Eli would soon be thrown into a marvelous adventure once The Grim Reaper is made to follow the human. Together, the duo will discover each other's mysterious pasts as they face off against monsters, demons, villains, angels, and even the heroes they once considered friends. Along with their adversaries, this these two will have to go through hell and back while going to as their perceptions of their lives change around them. It's almost as if there world is burning around them while physical world and spiritual worlds are starting to merge. Shame Is: The Ever-Lost Immortal is just the start to this amazing epic.
From a life that once seemed mundane, Shameis Eli would soon be thrown into a marvelous adventure once The Grim Reaper is made to follow the human. Together, the duo will discover each other's mysterious pasts as they face off against monsters, demons, villains, angels, and even the heroes they once considered friends. Along with their adversaries, this these two will have to go through hell and back while going to as their perceptions of their lives change around them. It's almost as if there world is burning around them while physical world and spiritual worlds are starting to merge. Shame Is: The Ever-Lost Immortal is just the start to this amazing epic.
Digital Artwork
Artwork In the novel
Shameis Eli |
The Ferryman of Souls |
Lilith Cotter |
The Ile |
StarSeeker |
Cross-Fade |
Necrosis |
Chimera |